For more than 20 years we have imported specialty Scottish food products. Many items we carry are exclusively imported by us and are unique, representing the best of Scottish producers. Other products we offer are produced in the US but have a close association with Scottish cuisine.
We carefully select products that different from others in the same category and are of the highest quality taste and packaging.
Our warehouse is located in Charlotte, North Carolina from where we ship all over the country. Several of our products are sold on Amazon and if you have a Prime account many of them are eligible for free shipping. We do offer free shipping for orders over a certain value with the exception of frozen food products.
What is so special about our products?
The most common remark we receive about our products is that they have a natural flavor. It is as if they have been homemade without all the preservatives that one finds in mass produced foods. One of our most popular items is oatcakes which are unique to Scotland. Oats have been a staple diet for the Scots for centuries. Stockan's oatcakes are a wheat free product and excellent for a vegetarian diet.
Wholesale Inquiries?
Visit or call 877-359-8369
Our Mailing Address:
Great Scot International Inc
8041 Arrowridge Blvd Unit i
Charlotte NC 28273