Pain soda irlandais traditionnel

$ 11.89 USD

Pain soda irlandais traditionnel préparé à partir de zéro avec du babeurre et des raisins secs sucrés (pain de 16 onces). Ce pain soda au babeurre dense mais moelleux se déguste de préférence tranché avec du beurre et une bonne tasse de thé ou de café ! Fabriqué à 100 % à la main, sans conservateurs, il est donc préférable de le conserver congelé jusqu'à ce qu'il soit dégusté.

Se conserve bien au congélateur

Taille : Pain de 1 lb

Farine de blé, margarine, sucre, agent levant, sel, babeurre, raisins secs, œufs.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Janice McGraw
Irish Soda bread

Bread had a good flavor but was too dry and crumbly Delivered with dry ice to keep cold but this process may have dried the bread out. I toasted the bread which made it taste better but made it more crumbly. Dry ice would be better placed in a separate container instead of directly adjacent to bread.

Doreen giambrone
Soda bread.

I had this each morning , till it was gone, smothered in Irish butter, and a nice cup of tea.
Loved it.\

Mary Perpich
Excellent soda bread

Really enjoyed this soda bread. texture was good, flavor as it should be and generous in size. My only complaint was that it became crumbly once the loaf was cut. Hard to work with.

Pat Kotas
Irish Soda Bread

This came wrapped well and very fresh! Delicious toasted with breakfast and for an evening snack with tea. Delicious!

Pat Kotas
Irish Soda Bread

Excellent came wrapped and extremely fresh. Very delicious