Desayuno escocés Té de hojas sueltas

$ 13.89 USD Agotado

Brodies mezcló por primera vez un té para el desayuno hace 140 años y, hoy en día, se combinan tés negros de excelente calidad de Assam y Kenia para producir esta mezcla clásica. Brillante, enérgico y lleno de sabor a malta para vigorizar las papilas gustativas a primera hora de la mañana. Indispensable para empezar el día de forma civilizada.

Contenido: 7 onzas de té de hojas sueltas

Té Negro

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
Suzanne A
Great morning cup

Absolutely one of the best Scottish Breakfast blends I’ve ever tried. Wonderful aroma, just a perfect cup to get me up and ready for the day.

This stuff is great!

This tea has become how I start my day! It is amazing, great with a touch of lemon, a little honey, and even at times some milk.

Joan Schnorbus
The best tea

First bought this tea in Scotland a little over a year ago. It is now my favorite tea. So pleased I was able to find it stateside through the Scottish Grocer.

Marian Courtney

Scottish Breakfast Loose Leaf Tea

Rachel Curran
Delicious cup

This tea is very nice. I have been using it every morning since I got it. Love the taste!