Barra de jabón orgánico de algas marinas de las Hébridas

$ 8.20 USD Agotado

Elaborado con algas marinas ricas en nutrientes recolectadas en el medio silvestre en las Hébridas Exteriores.

Pequeñas partículas de algas exfolian suavemente mientras sus vitaminas y antioxidantes esenciales mantienen la piel sana. Con un aroma maravillosamente fresco y limpio de aceites esenciales de menta y lavanda cuidadosamente mezclados, este jabón humectante está elaborado con glicerina procedente de aceites vegetales orgánicos certificados, que cuida la piel. Naturalmente perfumado con extractos de plantas y aceites esenciales.

Tamaño: 5,3 oz

Glicerina* (derivada de aceites vegetales orgánicos), Aqua (agua), aceite saponificado de palmato de sodio* (palma orgánica sostenible), sorbitol, aceite saponificado de cocoato de sodio* (coco orgánico), decilglucósido, cloruro de sodio (sal), mentha piperita ( Aceite de hoja de menta, aceite de flor de Lavandula Officinalis (lavanda), ácido graso de palma, ácido graso de coco, hoja de Urtica dioica (ortiga), extracto de ascophyllum nodosum (algas marinas), algas ascophyllum nodosum (algas marinas), pentetato pentasódico, etidronato tetrasódico, linalool, Limoneno .

*Ingrediente producido orgánicamente.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Cary Dufresne
Best soap ever!

I bought this soap on a trip to Scotland three years ago and thought I would never be able to get it again. I was so thrilled to be able to find it through Scottish Grocer. It smells heavenly and leaves you feeling really clean but not dry. Makes me love my shower!


If I said I love it, that would be an under statement. The smell takes me right back to the highlands, and it is just an all-around great soap. It's not too harsh, but it gets the job done. 100 out of 10 stars from me!

Scott Mc
Great soap with a pleasant scent

I first found this soap at their store at Spean Bridge, Scotland around 2003. I brought a few bars home because that's all I could put in my luggage. I was so happy to find it again on your website. It's a clean, invigorating scent that will always remind me of The highlands.

Scott McGill

I got all 6 of the soaps for Christmas stocking stuffers so no one has used them yet. I’m sure all my girls will love them!