Thé aromatisé au whisky

$ 7.39 USD

25 ct (Enveloppe/Étiqueté) Oui, vous avez bien lu ! Du whisky, et sans alcool. Mariné dans du thé noir de Chine à grandes feuilles, son arôme confère le goût et les odeurs doux et purs d'un malt écossais raffiné. La saveur du whisky n’a aucune tourbe. Au lieu de cela, les thés de Chine ont une délicate touche fumée, qui fonctionne en parfaite harmonie avec les notes de whisky. Il est préférable de le boire noir.

Arôme Café & Whisky (sans alcool)

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Robbin Nagel
Whisky Tea and Coffee, Highland blend tea

Both of these I purchased on my last visit to Scotland and love them so I was so happy to find this site to order/re-order these items when I need them. The coffee is actually for a gift. Again, happy to find a way to get these great teas and coffees until I return to Scotland in person!



Paul Baker
Great tea for relaxing by the fire.

This tea has smooth flavor that's not overpowering and a delightful finish. Great for a nice relaxing afternoon or early evening cup.

Michael Mueller
Distinct Flavor

This has a very unique flavor and blends well with the honey I use as a sweetener. Definitely give it a try.

Clare Atkinson
Husband’s favorite

We received a box of Whiskey Tea from friends when they returned from their honeymoon in Scotland. It has become my husband’s favorite and he has a cup every evening. Glad I was able to find The Scottish Grocer to get more