
"Haggis" Vegetariano (Disponible en dos tamaños)

$ 16.00 USD

Realmente no existe el "Haggis" vegetariano, pero los magos de Caledonian Kitchen crearon una receta que comprende una mezcla única de avena cortada en acero con verduras, nueces y condimentos para replicar el sabor, el olor y la textura de un haggis a base de carne, una especie de haggis vegetariano. de haggis "atípico". Se puede preparar y presentar como el haggis de carne con neeps machacados (también conocidos como colinabos) y tatties triturados (también conocidos como papas), pero también se puede sacar de la tripa, calentar y servir como cazuela con otras verduras. Podrías hacer un pastel de carne vegetariano con la capa inferior compuesta por haggis vegetarianos .

Descargar instrucciones de calentamiento

Disponible en tamaños de 1 libra y 2 libras:

1 libra = 5 porciones de 3 oz

2 libras = 10 porciones de 3 oz.

Agua, avena cortada en acero, margarina (mezcla de aceites vegetales [aceite de palma y aceite de soja, agua, sal, contiene menos del 2 % de lecitina de soja, mono y diglicéridos vegetales, sorbato de potasio [un conservante], ácido cítrico, sabor natural y artificial, beta caroteno [color], palmitato de vitamina A añadido, suero), aceite de canola, harina de soja texturizada, salsa de soja (agua, soja, trigo, sal, benzoato de sodio [conservante]), nueces, guisantes, frijoles negros, champiñones, cebollas, especias (maza, pimienta negra, nuez moscada, ajo en polvo, cilantro, cebolla en polvo, fenogreco), Levadura Nutricional. Cocido y envasado en tripa fibrosa de calidad alimentaria.

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Gene Watson

I was impressed! It was great!

Capt. R. A. "Rick" BRIGGS Jr
These Texans Turned Away from The Vegan Haggis!

Well, I opted to have at least one option for those folks who cared not for the Sirloin Steak Haggis-- and the People spoke: "No. No Thank you, Captain Rick. Here in Texas, we like our meat!" Noted. That One Pounder Vegan Haggis, was cooked, piped in, presented...and shunned. No worries. I will add some Texas Brisket to it and share accordingly during our next Knights of Saint Andrew (KoSA) meeting. Thanks to The Scottish Grocer for providing options! Huzzah! v/r, Capt. R.A. "Rick" Briggs, Jr. Killeen, Texas.


My cousins live in Edinburgh and whenever I visit we go to a favourite spot for the veggie haggis. My cousin just came for a visit and i ordered this to make while he was here. It was SO good…just like the one we have in Edinburgh!

It’s definitely not real Haggis but pretty darn close.

So we don’t eat meat… Until we get to the UK. And especially the Scottish hoggis amazing! So when I found this quite by accident, I immediately bought a couple. And… It’s pretty darn good! It definitely fills an itch for missing Scotland .So when I found this quite by accident, I immediately bought a couple. And… It’s pretty darn good! It definitely fills an itch for missing Scotland. Thanks for bringing a great product to the USA.

Blake Scurlock
Great Product

The shipping was great and fast and the haggis was great…. Surprisingly close to the real thing.