Pastel de whisky de invierno de la Casa de Galletas de Edimburgo

$ 21.89 USD

Nutre los sentidos con este pastel de whisky de invierno de Shortbread House of Edinburgh de 14 onzas.

Perfecto para regalar, su caja de regalo roja es sólo una de sus muchas características deseables. Este pastel de whisky de temporada está elaborado con whisky de malta pura de Speyside y es excepcionalmente húmedo y lleno de sabor a fruta y a whisky. Madurado en ataúdes de roble seleccionados a mano, el whisky complementa perfectamente cada bocado indulgente. Disfruta de un lujo con este pastel de whisky.

Frutos de vid (pasas, pasas, aceite de girasol), harina (harina de trigo (gluten), calcio, niacina, hierro, tiamina, gasificantes: bicarbonato de sodio, difosfato disódico), azúcar, mantequilla (leche, sal), huevos de gallinas camperas, Whisky de pura malta (4%), piel de cítricos (piel de naranja, jarabe de glucosa y fructosa, azúcar, piel de limón, corrector de acidez: ácido cítrico), zumo de naranja, mezcla de especias, canela.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Samuel Ball
Delicious whiskey cake

The winter whiskey cake was delicious and you could really taste the whiskey, and it was soft and moist and not overly sweet,it’s definitely made for someone who likes the taste of single malt scotch whisky. It is probably the best whiskey cake I’ve ever tasted,some of them are more like a fruit cake and not much of a whisky flavor but this one is definitely for the whisky lovers.


We very much enjoyed the cake. It was all I hoped it to be.

So wonderful I immediately ordered another

`Problem was, I should have ordered it sooner. Now I have to wait a few days to taste that wonderful Scotch infused whisky cake. Simply the best fruit cake I've had.

Jonathan Wolf

Shortbread House of Edinburgh Winter Whisky Cake